Saturday 30 May 2015

Visit 4 Places in Pangandaran The Famous


Glance Pangandaran Beach

Pangandaran Beach tourist area, including one of the most popular tourist destinations for the people of West Java in particular. Pangandaran Beach, many residents spend vacation time with his family, relatives, friends, to their respective spouses. Tourist attractions Pangandaran also become one of the tourist attractions of the popular kids, not infrequently so many families who choose Pangandaran Beach travel agenda when the school holidays and other holidays. West Java as one of the most populous province in Indonesia is a major contributor to the number of tourists who come to this beach. In addition, Pangandaran Beach is also a favorite destination for many foreign tourists. It is customary at the time before the turn of the year, Pangandaran Beach is always solid with the presence of many tourists.

Tourist attractions in Pangandaran

Any tourist in Pangandaran are interesting to visit? Here are some attractions in Pangandaran that you can choose. Some of the attractions of this Pangandaran has been popular among the tourists the world.
1. Pangandaran Beach

Of course Pangandaran Beach is a famous tourist attraction in this Ciamis area. Pangandaran Beach is a tourist destination that has to be excellent for the people of West Java. One of the most popular tourist spot in West Java has a variety of shore excursions are fun activities, such as swimming, boat cruises, fishing, touring by bicycle, sailing, jet skiing, and so on. Memikiki Pangandaran beach water clear and clean. In addition, this beach also has a relatively long time span between the condition and the condition of the tides recede. Therefore, swimming became a safe choice tourist activity in this beach. Therefore, this Pangandaran Beach became a favorite swimming spot for many families and children.

At every mid-June or July, at Pangandaran Beach is always routine event held internasion, the International Kite Festival (Pangandaran International Kite Festival). As one foreign tourist destinations, Pangandaran beach in Ciamis has had the support of infrastructure and public facilities are complete. The parking of vehicles on the beach is quite extensive. There are also hotels and lodgings in Pangandaran Beach at varying prices, from cheap to expensive. Also, no cinemas, discos, camping, parasailing, jetski, post and telecommunications services and money changers, and others.

To be able to get into this area, you must pay the price of admission Pangandaran Beach with the following criteria:

    If you are a hiker, then haraga entrance fee of Rp 3 thousand per person.
    If you drive a motorcycle, then haraga admission $ 7 thousand.
    If you drive jeep / sedan, then haraga entrance fee of Rp 28 thousand.
    If you drive types Carry, then haraga entrance fee of Rp 35 thousand.
    If you use large passenger vehicles, then haraga entrance fee of Rp 40 thousand.
    If you drive a small bus, then haraga entrance fee of Rp 80 thousand.
    If you're driving the bus, then haraga entrance fee of Rp 104 thousand.
    If you drive a big bus, then haraga entrance fee of Rp 169 thousand.

2. Batu Karas Beach

Batu Karas beach is the beach that offers a natural ambience of calm and friendly ocean waves. You can enjoy the quiet atmosphere on the beach with the breeze while enjoying dishes that are sold around Pantai Batu Karas. Some of the activities that can be done, for example, swimming, boating on the river, camping, and even surfing. Pantai Batu Karas is one of the preferred tourist spot Pangandaran foreign tourists. Has provided sejumla cottage is equipped with a playground and a house of worship in the area of Batu Karas beach this. One of the interesting places in Pangandaran is also a choice of family attractions, visitors often come along with their children and other family members. Pantai Batu Karas has a clean sea water and blue, it's a tourist spot to relax is recommended!
3. Citumang Pangandaran

One of the natural attractions of this Pangandaran offers beautiful natural scenery. Attractions Citumang Pangandaran is a river that divides the teak forest with clean river water and bluish. In some spots, the river Citumang can be used for swimming and playing. Nevertheless, the privilege of the tourist attractions this is the charm of the flow of the river and the surrounding natural scenery.
4. Green Canyon or Cukang Taneuh

Green Canyon is located not far from the beach of Batu Karas. Green Canyon tourist attraction in Pangandaran are Cijulang streams that pass through the cave is full of beauty and charm stalaktif stalakmitnya. This area is also flanked by two hills, and there are many rocks and trees. Green Canyon Pangandaran can be likened to a painting like unique natural and inviting desire to explore it. You can do diving in this place or swim while following the flow of water currents. Even so, there are many boats are ready to take you to explore the Green Canyon Indonesia. You will be accompanied by a guide from any boat you rent it. Prices for a boat in Green Canyon is Rp 125 thousand, with a maximum capacity of 6 persons. Green Canyon tour is open to the public every day from 8 am to 5 pm.
